Privacy Policy

Fair Food believes you have a fundamental right to privacy on the web, and we work to protect your privacy online and to be transparent about how data is captured. Your data belongs to you. We do not, and we will never share, sell or rent your personal information to any entity.

What does this privacy policy cover?

This policy applies to the use of all the pages hosted by Fair Food Charitable Trust on and It also applies to personal information collected by us through other means, including through Sign Up Genius, Volaby, Vistab, face to face interaction and when you make a donation. It explains how Fair Food collects “personal information”, how that information is stored, and what rights you have in relation to that information.

Updates to this privacy policy

Fair Food will review this policy on an ongoing basis and may update it from time to time. We encourage you to revisit this page periodically for the latest Fair Food privacy policy. If we make material changes we will notify you by email or by putting a notice on our website. This policy was updated on 20 October 2023 to include new platforms. 

Personal information 

“Personal information” is information about an identifiable individual. Personal information that Fair Food may collect about you includes your name, date of birth, contact details (such as telephone number and email address) and, if you are a donor or customer, your payment. This does not include credit card information, which is not stored by Fair Food. 

Collection of personal information

Fair Food does not collect personal information from you unless you voluntarily choose to give it to us via this website, email, a phone call, in person, at events, surveys, by signing up to the newsletter or making a donation or purchase. By providing Fair Food with your personal information, you accept this privacy policy and authorise Fair Food to collect, store and process your information in the ways outlined in this policy. 

Use of personal information 

We use personal information provided to us for the purposes for which it is provided and for related purposes relevant to Fair Food’s activities. These purposes include: 

  • Processing orders and issuing receipts
  • Contacting volunteers
  • Processing donations and issuing receipts 
  • Thanking you for your mahi and showing the impact it had on our community 
  • Sending you our newsletter
  • Communicating with you to keep you informed about Fair Food’s activities, and to answer questions that you may have about Fair Food
  • Requesting your support either financial or physical 
  • Conducting volunteer research - so we can better understand your wants and needs when volunteering at Fair Food 
  • Reporting on general volunteer hours and engagement for donors.

We do not, and we will never, sell or rent your personal information to any entity. 

Fair Food also never shares or swaps your data with another organisation unless we have made it obvious up front. In order to keep our administrative costs low so more of our supporters’ money goes towards our feeding people, not landfill, we utilise some trusted third party agencies for various tasks, such as to process donation or product payments or fundraise on our behalf. Fair Food uses Stripe and Shopify to process payments and Mailchimp to process emails for the newsletter. In all these cases the third party only has access to the data they need to handle the process they are employed for and do not have permission to use it for any other purposes. 

To better reach people interested in Fair Food on social media platforms, we may also share anonymised (or ‘hashed’) versions of your data with partners such as social media providers. This is described further below.

If you sign up to one of our mailing lists, we will email you updates about the actions you take on this website, and about other Fair Food information. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you can do so by clicking the “unsubscribe” link which appears at the bottom of all emails we send via our lists. We may also communicate through mail or via phone regarding volunteering or events unless you have expressed a preference not to receive such content.

We maintain some records of individuals who contact us for further information or for help in case we need to contact them later or provide further information to them in the future. However, we do not provide this information to anyone else (other than for storage purposes as discussed below) unless you give us your permission, and we do not use this information for other purposes.

Social network, targeted advertising and web-analytics

We offer social networking sharing buttons and widgets from social media services such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and on our website to enable you to easily share Fair Food’s mahi. Sharing updates and appeals are a crucial method of recruiting volunteers and sharing Fair Food’s message across social platforms quickly and cost effectively. Out of Fair Food’s control, these social networking sharing buttons and widgets come from web servers which may track your behaviour on our website and may combine this with other information about you originating from other websites. You can install a browser add-on like “Disconnect” for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to disable them.

Fair Food uses social media services to keep supporters and others who are interested in the organisation and its activities up to date. You can manage the privacy settings on your Facebook, Instagram and other social media accounts to change your ad settings.

We may also share anonymised (or ‘hashed’) versions of your data with partners such as social media providers for the purposes of helping achieve our campaigning and fundraising aims, by delivering personalised content to existing supporters (or excluding those who have asked not to be included) and identifying similar audiences. You may opt out of such data sharing at any time by contacting us using the details at the bottom of this policy.


A cookie is an element of data that our site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive. You may set your web browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, or to disable cookies altogether.

Payment information and PCI compliance

Our shop processes credit card payments using Shopify, while our Donation page processes credit card payment information using Stripe, a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet. While on a secure page, such as our giving form or shopping cart, your browser should alert you that you are on a secure site.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) define industry best practices for handling and protecting credit card details. All storage and transferral of your financial details by Fair Food and our payment processors is PCI compliant.

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also protect user-information offline. No Fair Food staff members deal with credit card information. Donations can also be made via bank transfer which is accessible by finance personnel. 


When confirming the visitor or volunteer agreement, Fair Food has the rights to take photographs and use these online or in promotional materials, mostly on social media and the official Fair Food website. Fair Food will never sell your photos to external parties. If you do not want your photograph taken, please advise a Fair Food staff member. 

Your rights

You have the right to know what information we maintain about you, and to correct it in case of error. If you have any questions about the information we maintain about you or your supporter details please contact   

By signing up as a customer, volunteer, subscriber or donor, you accept this privacy policy and authorise Fair Food to collect, store and process your information in the ways mentioned above and for the purposes you submitted it.